









What is Digivenet

The greatest event of the year is almost here. Already a tradition, we organize the Digievent once more to gather great companies and individuals together․ It’s a great place for both newcomers and professionals to share thoughts, ideas, and experience to make a real change in the industry. Once again, we meet up believing that mutual support and united strength can benefit us all. Come and join us!

Nov 25- Nov 26

10 AM - 5 PM

Blounststan Hall

Nov 25

Topic: Getting Started with Constant Contact Speaker: A. Smith

Nov 25

Topic: Small Businesses and Non-Profits Speaker: J. Wang

Nov 25

Coffee & Lunch Break

Nov 25

Topic: Putting the Financial Pieces in Place Speaker: A. Abara

Nov 26

Topic: Developing a College Investment Plan Speaker: A. Nnadi

Nov 26

Coffee & Lunch Break

Nov 26

Topic: Strategies When Developing a Budget Speaker: J. Thomson

Nov 26

Closing Ceremony/After Party

The Speakers

Meet some of the prominent speakers of this year's event

Jack Thomson

Chief Financial Officer

Render Company

Ann Smith

General Manager

Render Hotel

Jian Wang

Chief Operating Officer

Render Company

Aaron Abara

Chief Financial Officer

Render Law FIrm

Amber Nnadi


Render University

Samantha Miller

Chief Technology Officer

Render Development

The Participant Companies

Meet the amazing companies participating this year.

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